Barnwood Press Books

Clearance Sale

I'm actually trying to clear my shelves - in a house with noticeably limited storage space. Also, the whole point of Barnwood is to get good poems into the hand of good readers, so I'm hoping that these prices will help do that. And of course your purchase helps the mag publish more poems. Many thanks!

Preview the books > HERE <
Sale Prices (includes postage)

Martha Collins, Gone So Far $6
Martha Collins, SHEER $6
Barbara Crooker, The White Poems $6
Peter Davis, Hitler's Mustache $8 ed., Poet's Bookshelf I $8
Davis / Koontz, eds., Poet's Bookshelf II $8
Stephen Herz, Whatever You Can Carry: Poems of the Holocaust $8
Robert Ronnow, New and Selected Poems $8

To order, please send an e-mail to > < address. Tell me which book(s) to send and to what address. I'll send by US Postal Service media mail, with an invoice.