Barnwood International Poetry Mag
Barnwood International Poetry Mag
Respond to a poem/author (forwarded to the author):
Some thoughts about “guidelines” (incl response time)
To submit (email submission only):
Paste 1 to 3 poems into a message, with brief bio,
Remember: submissions recvd 6/1-8/31 are never read.
Other email messages to
*How this mag works: My idea has been to publish a new poem whenever I find one that I particularly want to share with readers, and to feature each new poem 3-5 days at the top of the “most recent post” list—the total number published within the 9-month reading period then being limited by how that fits into the 270 days, plus how many poems Barnwood can afford. (However, a problem has developed, as the quality of submissions has steadily increased, generating a backlog.)
Note, too, that all poems ever published are always available to be read--e.g. see Contents.
About that editor.....
Previous Barnwood site
Author Bionotes
Barnwood pays $25/poem.
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!!! Submits rcvd 6/1-8/31 are never read!!!
Most recent: 5/24 How this mag works*
David Wagoner, Two Poems
Allen Qing Yuan, Banana Blues
Emma Scott Schaeffer, to err
N. W. Randle, In the Museum of Human Actions
Keith Dunlap, Two Poems
Jeff Burt, Passage
Ellie Forman, Toute Seule
or Scroll: 1 2 3 2011 10 09 08 07
Some thoughts on artistry
Great Find
Amici, occupate la vita !
Martha Collins, SHEER
Martha Collins, Gone So Far
Peter Davis, Hitler’s Mustache
Davis and Koontz, eds.
Poet’s Bookshelf II
Robert Ronnow, Sel. Poems
Barbara Crooker,
The White Poems