Hélène Cardona
You would not have called to me unless
I had been calling to you.
C.S. Lewis, Aslan to Jill in The Silver Chair
So how are things in heaven
There is a nice view here,
with fairies in the garden.
I offer a rose with a message,
lines from the Ronsard poem:
Je vous envoie un bouquet que ma main
Vient de trier de ces fleurs épanouies.*
The walnut trees of my childhood
grow new branches,
Anna Akhmatova appears,
opens up all the water inside me,
and I expand again.
The question creates an elliptic consciousness,
bridges past and present,
so her answer, remember I love you, blossoms.
* “I send you a wreath of blossoms
And woven flowers by my hand gathered” printable
Peregrine Pantoum
It started with a dream,
Snowcapped mountains and rivers full of salmon.
Green rays of light parted the middle of winter,
Dancing at the edge of the lake.
Snowcapped mountains and rivers full of salmon
Echoed laughter, sonatas, and lilac hunts
Dancing at the edge of the lake.
Fairy tales beckoning days on end
Echoed laughter, sonatas, and lilac hunts,
My grandmother’s gifts of exquisite designs.
Fairy tales beckoning days on end,
Wisdom and melancholy, built fires,
My grandmother’s gifts of exquisite designs,
Engineered by elves. We slept soundly.
Wisdom and melancholy built fires,
Endless books and homes peopled by souls,
Engineered by elves. We slept soundly
On slippery roads, frozen paths,
As endless books and homes peopled by souls
And forests disclosed treasures and children’s riddles.
On slippery roads, frozen paths
Driving the maze of the mind
And forests disclosed treasures and children’s riddles,
Travels and exiles, forced and chosen.
Driving the maze of the mind,
Tales of torture rang from the lands of the gods,
Travels and exiles, forced and chosen.
While sirens and magic flutes sounded like water,
Tales of torture rang from the lands of the gods.
Green rays of light parted the middle of winter
While sirens and magic flutes sounded like water.
It started with a dream. printable
A Deeper Layer of Reality
Riding on Montezuma's trail
I'm one with the horse,
The girl guiding me a prophet.
Let's explore new territories,
The unmanifest, a tremendous future,
Reach our full potential.
The steep journey leads into mountains.
Let God be the doer and embrace Her.
In Peru I visit my grandfather, unconditional love.
Everything stems from within,
The wait only preparation, actualizing consciousness.
We fuse wisdom and instinct. printable